
Drone Sky Shows New Zealand frequently asked questions


How do the drone light shows work? Are they each piloted individually?

Sure, imagine needing 500 pilots, each steering a drone through the night sky, dodging and weaving to avoid collisions… quite the picture, right? But let’s reel it back to reality – it’s actually a bit more, well, straightforward than that. All the magic happens long before the show begins, with computers playing the lead role in choreographing the drones’ dance, ensuring they keep to their own space in the vast sky canvas.

When showtime rolls around, we simply hit play and watch the meticulously planned spectacle unfold. Not as dramatic as a squadron of pilots, perhaps, but in these days of social distancing, it’s our ticket to consistently bringing you awe-inspiring shows without a hitch.

Where can I hold a drone show?

This question tops the list of what we’re often asked about.

When it comes to where we can hold our drone shows, we work with CAA (the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand). Since drone light shows are considered as ‘swarming’, we need to set up and stick to an exclusion zone during flight.

So, what’s the size of this exclusion zone?

It’s calculated on a 1:1 ratio. This means if our highest drone is soaring at 100m, the exclusion zone needs to be 100m all around, from the edge of where the drones are flying to the nearest spectator, including those in cars or boats.

To put it in perspective, imagine a drone show that’s 100m up and spans 100m across. The exclusion zone around it would be just as you’d visualise in Figure 1 – a protective bubble ensuring everyone’s safety while enjoying the show.

Figure 1.0
In our setup, the blue box marks the stage for our drone light show, stretching 100m across, 50m back, and reaching up 100m into the sky.

The red lines shooting out from this box stretch another 100m, mapping out the safety buffer – our exclusion zone. This means no one, whether on foot, in a car, or sailing by, can enter this space during the show. It’s all about keeping everyone safe while the drones do their thing.

Wrapping around this, the yellow circle forms our complete exclusion zone, sitting 100m from each edge of the performance area. Given the show’s dimensions, this puts the entire zone’s diameter at a grand 300m. Yep, we’ll need to halt all boat, pedestrian, and vehicle traffic in this area for the show’s duration.

Then there’s the launch and landing pad for our drones. It needs to be flat, clear, and close to the action. The size of this area depends on the drone count, calculated at a 1:1.5 ratio. So, for a 500-drone spectacle, we’re looking at a minimum of 750 square meters. This spot also gets its own 30m wide no-go zone, keeping it free from anyone not involved in the operation. Check out Figure 1.2 to see how the exclusion zone and launch area are laid out.
Figure 1.2
This close-up reveals our launching pad as a green rectangle. Stretching out from this area, the red lines meet a purple circle marking the 30m exclusion zone. This zone must remain clear of everyone except our operational crew, ensuring a safe launch and landing space for our drones.

Given these specific needs, we often opt for water bodies as the backdrop for our drone shows, using a nearby park or a suitable solid area for launching. While urban settings pose more challenges, they’re not off-limits. We just make sure to have a solid traffic management plan in place. This includes restricting pedestrian access 5 minutes before the drones take off, throughout the show, and for 2 minutes after they’ve safely touched down.

How far away can I view shows?

The scale and altitude of the show play big roles in how and where you can enjoy it. Height’s largely dictated by where we are and what CAA says, but typically, our shows float anywhere from 30m to 150m up. If the skyline’s clear of skyscrapers or other blockages, the sweet spot for catching our drone light shows is anywhere from 200m to 800m away. Past 800m, up to about 1,000m, you can still catch the show, but it’s more like getting a sneak peek – you’ll see the lights, but the wow factor might not hit as hard.

How can I hear the audio if I am not in the main viewing area?

The straight-up answer is that our starting package, which includes 50 drones for an 8-minute, pre-set show without any tweaks, and in a launch-friendly spot near New Zealand’s major city centres, kicks off at $15,000.00 + GST. As drone tech evolves and regulations adapt, we’re hopeful costs will start to ease. Stay tuned, as we’re on a mission to make our shows more accessible over the next 18 months.

How long do shows go for?

Drone light shows go for between 10 and 12 minutes. This depends on how far the launching is away from the show area and how many drones are involved in the show.

Can I get a drone show for my birthday, wedding, engagement or celebration?

Absolutely, you can! We offer smaller packages ranging from 50 to 100 drones for an 8-minute spectacle featuring pre-set choreography options like:

  • “Happy Birthday”
  • “Will You Marry Me”
  • “Congratulations”

Expect the rest of the show to dazzle with geometric shapes, making the most out of the drone count to deliver a fantastic display. For private events, picking the right spot is crucial. Suburban settings can be tricky due to the logistics and extra costs involved. Instead, imagine wide open spaces like wineries, parks, or golf courses – perfect backdrops for your special moment. Just make sure you’ve got the venue’s green light, and we’ll handle the rest.

How much does a Drone Sky Shows New Zealand show cost?

That’s a great question, but the answer varies widely depending on many factors. That’s why we tailor quotes for every show. Just head over to “request a quote”, and fill in the form. One of our team will get in touch, ask you a few questions about the location, how many drones you’re thinking of, and what kind of show you’re after, and then we’ll provide you with a personalised quote.

Yeah, ok, but give me a ballpark cost?

The straight-up answer is that our starting package, which includes 50 drones for an 8-minute, pre-set show without any tweaks, and in a launch-friendly spot near New Zealand’s major city centres, kicks off at $15,000.00 + GST. As drone tech evolves and regulations adapt, we’re hopeful costs will start to ease. Stay tuned, as we’re on a mission to make our shows more accessible over the next 18 months.